
Athletes Guide 2020



Friday, October 23rd 
  • 11:00 Cycling course recognition
  • 12:00 Press conference presenting International Portocolom Triathlon
  • 17:00 to 19:00 Race number pick-up at the Club Nautic area 

Saturday, October 24th 


  • 10:00 to 19:00 Race number pick-up 
  • 10:30 to 13:00 TRIKIDS Portocolom
  • 15:00 to 19:00 Check in bicycles and bags
  • 17:00 Coaching conference at the Club Nautic area (near finish line) 
  • 19:00 Distance 55.5 and 111 Race briefing at the Club Nautic area 



  • 07:30 to 08:15 Access to Transition area for 111 athletes (no check-in available)
  • 08:45 Start 111 - Elite femenine
  • 08:48 Start 111 - Elite masculine
  • 08:51 Start 111 - categories Sub23 and senior
  • 08:54 Start 111 - Categories: Veteranos 1,2,3 (masc)
  • 08:57 Start 111 - Women and relays
  • 09:30 to 10:30 Access to Transition area for 55.5 athletes (no check-in available)
  • 11:00 Start 55.5 - Rolling Start
  • 15:30 Flower ceremony for overall winners and trophies Categories Ceremony
  • 14:30 to 16:30 Check out of Boxes


The distances of the courses are: 
Swim course: 500 m y 1.000m
Bike Course: 50 Km.
Run course: 5 Km.

Participants in the distance 111 must complete 2 laps to each course except the swimming one.

Frequent questions

Who can participate in the race?
Federated and non federated atheletes from 18 years old.

 Who has to pay the 1 day license?
​Participants who are not federated and foreign participants without international license
What does the 1 day license covers?
​Liability and accidents insurance. The organization protocol includes medical and ambulance service.

Is it compulsory to attend the race briefing?
​No, but we highly recommend you to attend the meeting because course maps and all relevant information about the race is reviwed together.

Who can collect the race number?
Race number pick- up is personal and cannot be delegated to others. It is mandatory to show your ID or passport, and your license in case you are federated.
If you want to collect the race number of another participant or for an entire group , please contact the organization beforehand (info@triathlonportocolom.net)

Will there be a wardrobe service during the race day?
​Yes. Close to transition area.

Does the organization provide the chip?
Yes, it is included in the price of the registration and it will be delivered with the other material when you pick up your race number. You must return it when you check out the bike. In case you loose it, 15€ will have to be paid in cash. 

​Is drafting allowed?

Will be the roads closed to traffic?
​Yes. Course security is guaranteed by Guardia Civil, Policia Local, Proteccion Civil and organization staff.

Will there be a bike doctor service?
Yes. During the race number pick up and on Sunday until the race starts. 
Until 01/31 01/02 - 18/10
111 Elite Individual 190 € 190 €
111 Individual 130 € 160 €
111 Relay of 2 180 € 180 €
111 Relay of 3 200 € 200 €
55.5 Individual 60 € 90 €
55.5 Relay of 2 120 € 120 €
55.5 Relay of 3 140 € 140 €
These prices do not include day insurance for non-federated participants. The price of the 1-day license for non-federated is € 10 and will be paid in cash at the race number pick up.
Modalität Bis 31/01/20 01/02 - 18/10
111 Elite 190 € 190 €
111 130 € 160 €
111 Staffel von 2 180 € 180 €
111 Staffel von 3 200 € 200 €
55.5 60 € 90 €
55.5 Staffel von 2 120 € 120 €
55.5 Staffel von 3 140 € 140 €
Im Startgeld ist keine Tages-Lizenz enthalten. Die spanische Tageslizenz kostet 10 € und muss bei der Startnummernausgabe gezahlt werden.
Distance 55.5
Entries limited to 500 
Relays: limited to 10 teams
Distance 111
Entries limited to 400 
Relays limited to 10
Elite entries limited to 75 
55.5 Distanz 
500 Plätze 
Staffeln 10
 111 Distanz
400 Plätze
Staffeln 10
Elite 75 Plätze

NEU! Elitestartplätze für 111 Distanz

  • Nur für 111 Distanz
  • Frauen und Männer Kategorie
  • Vorrangiger Start beim Schwimmen
  • Möglichkeit, Preisgeld zu erhalten
  • Auf 75 Plätze begrenzt

New 2020! Elite category for 111 distance

  • Just for 111 distance
  • Masculine and femenine category
  • Priority start on the swim
  • Option to get the prize money
  • Limited to 75 spaces


The following categories are established: 
  • JUNIOR (only 55.5 distance)
  • SUB23
  • VET1
  • VET2
  • VET3 
  • CLUBS (Sum of 3 best times of the members of a federated club)

Trophies and prize money


  • 3 first athletes in each category (male and female) will receive trophies.
  • 3 overall winners (male and female) will receive trophy and will not get the one on their age category.
  • A minimum of 5 competitors in the same category is required for a category to be included in the awards ceremony. 
  • Relays trophies will be for the 1st team on each distance:Masculine relay, femenine realy and mix relay team.
  • Prize money of €10.000 will be distributed following this conditions:
  • Only for participants from distance 111 and registered in the "Elite" category.
  • Shared among equaly (masculine and feminine)


1st - 1.500€

2nd - 1.000€

3rd - 750€

4th - 500€

5th - 350€

6th - 300€

7th - 250€

8th - 150€

9th - 100€

10th - 100€

IMPORTANT: Money prize has to be collected at the award ceremony and cannot be claimed afterwards.

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